n: 1. A source of a special delight or pleasure
Example: Spending an afternoon sewing while enjoying the company of a four year old turned comedian.
A: Mommy, where do pirates like to eat?
Me: I don't know. Where? (I knew. I swear my dad tells this joke. Dad?)
A: At Wendys! Errr... I mean ARRRBYS!! he he he...
n: 2. Something completely delicious
Best Chocolate Chip Cookies Ever
makes 2 dozen
1/2 cup butter (plus a tablespoon)
1/4 cup shortening
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1-1/2 cups semisweet chocolate chips
2 cups all-purpose flour
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2. Combine flour, baking soda and salt. In another bowl, combine softened butter with shortening, sugar, and brown sugar and vanilla. Beat until creamy. Beat in egg. Gradually add flour mixture and mix well. Stir in chocolate chips.
3. Bake on ungreased cookie sheet for 8-10 min or until they are BARELY starting to brown on top.
4. Enjoy.
5. Repeat. Make them at least 8 times a month. I do. Seriously. I'm a very exclusive chef (baker?), it turns out. As in, I only make cookies. These cookies!
You're welcome, or I'm sorry. Either one. ;-)