I know, I know. I deserve an award for being a terrible blogger these days. But rest assured, I'm working on a whole bunch of stuff, much of which you'll see in the next week or two. Hooray! But anyway, just had to pop my head in here for a minute and say hello.
It has been a madhouse around here lately. You know that feeling, where there is almost TOO much going on? Almost. But today, today was a payoff day. A day where all that hard work and no sleep pays off. Why, you ask? Because THIS landed on my doorstep today:
Here are a few quick peeks, with many, many more to come. You know me and pictures of delicious fabric...

SO, what do you think? Simple Abundance-y? I spent the day folding it, touching it, drooling a little. And really really wanting to show you guys. Finally!!! And really, seriously, thank you to everybody who made this happen over at Moda. You guys are THE BEST. Hands down. Thank you!!!
So what else has been going down around here, besides really, really exciting fabric deliveries?
Well, Vanessa (of V&Co fame) came and stayed for the weekend and we had WAY too much fun. And that is an understatement. We shopped, sewed, LAUHGED, got absolutely no sleep, and drank our weight in Dr. Pepper (both diet and delicious). Seriously, this girl is awesome. Hey V, whatcha got next weekend??
And also, the bike riding. There's been a lot of that.
Even I did a little bit of bike riding.
What else... sewing, LOTS of sewing going on over here. Next week, I should have something to show for it. Cross your fingers I can get it all done! The countdown to market is officially here. 21 days and counting...
Bring it on!
Today? Definitely a good one.