I'm usually not big on the word 'cute', but I made a decision this morning.
Whirlygigs/windmills/funky pinwheel blocks? They are CUTE. Adorable, actually.
And the only thing more adorable than regular size whirligigs?
Itty bitty ones. GOSH these things are cute!
The only thing cuter (is that a world?) than itty bitty whirligigs?
Simple Abundance. It's almost here! {Hooray!} I know I promised you a little sneak peek a while back, so...
What do you think? I love it!! Counting down the days 'til it lands on my doorstep. Last I heard, 31 days... *sigh* Thats a long time.
And in case you were wondering, the only thing cuter than Simple Abundance...
is THIS little man learning to ride his bike this morning.
Sans training wheels, of course.
When did he grow up?
So much cuteness...
How lucky am I?
edit: Hmm...one thing that's NOT as cute? Your three year old turning on the hose from the patio and spraying down the kitchen while you write a blog post. Nice...