A day or two... five.... who's counting, right? Anyway, I'm back. For a minute or two, at least. I have really been slacking with my blog lately. Sorry... I'll try to be better!
I thought it would be fun to highlight each of the Moda designers in their booths (and a little closer up too) so you can get to know them a little better. I am just getting to know them all, and they are amazing.
Keep in mind, this isn't all of the Moda designers, just the ones who had booths at Market in Pittsburgh. The name will link to a blog if they have one, and the business name will link to their website. So, here they are, in no particular order:
Sandy Gervais- Pieces from my Heart:
yes, she really is as awesome as she looks in her picture. we had a lovely discussion about Joan Rivers. also, something about photoshopping a face on a butt?? ;-)
didn't get to chat nearly as much this time as last time, darn it. Kathy is the sweetest!
Karla Eisenach- Sweetwater:
brand spankin' new designer, and her first line rocks. can't wait to make something from it!
Deb Strain- Saltbox Illustrations:
Deb is also the sweetest. seriously. she told me I should be on America's next top model. (?!) Love her!
Sandy Klop- American Jane:
how cute are these guys? Not sure what Sandy is doing in this picture, but I love it!
Lynne Hagmeier- Kansas Troubles:
only one picture? darn it! I thought I got two of everyone. Sorry Lynne. Next time I'll take 10. or 100 ;-)
This was when I was 'stealing' her idea from her sketch pad. What a good sport!
Barbara Groves and Mary Jacobson- Me and My Sister:
One word- HILARIOUS. Love these girls!
Lila Tueller- Lila Tueller Designs:
Poor Lila had a rough market- she lost her voice. Good thing she had a stylin' booth to make up for it. Hope you are feeling better!
Edyta Sitar- Laundry Basket Quilts:
Do you know how hard it was to get a picture of just Edyta? She works harder than anybody at Market! Her booth was always full. You can see why!
(eating chocolate, as usual)
So I was thinking, to celebrate being surrounded by such incredible women, it would be fun to give something away. Simple Abundance Honey Buns, actually.
And to shake it up a bit, here's how it is going to go. Choose any designer, go to their website and pick your favorite pattern or product. Come back and tell me who it is, and what you love. And of course, your name and where you are from. Something interesting about yourself couldn't hurt. ;-)
To choose the winners, I'm going to randomly choose one Moda designer, and then everyone who named that designer goes into a bowl, and the winner is picked from there. Twice, Two designers, two winners. Does that make sense?? There may also be additional prizes... I'm just saying...
As always, here is my example:
Hey there, Camille Roskelley here, Nevadan/Idahoan. I have a doughnut problem lately, all I want to eat is Maple Bars. It's true. I'm going to choose Joanna from Fig Tree, partly because I am a Fig Tree Junkie, and partly because we are going to hang out in Chicago in 3 days. Hooray! I'm eyeing her Creme Fraiche pattern these days, even though I have no idea how to say it. So lovely... See?
Oh, and you have until next Monday to enter. I'll announce the winners on Tuesday. Sound good? And for those overachievers, yes, you get an extra 3 entries to blog about it. ;-)
Market is an interesting thing, you are surrounded by so much creativity, by so many amazing people. Looking out from my little corner of the show, I was overwhelmed by the wonderful people I was surrounded by. And just so grateful to be a part of it all.
Comments are now CLOSED for this giveaway. Check back later today for the winners. Thanks everyone!