First of all, thank you for all the congratulations and sweet comments! You guys sure know how to make a girl feel special. Thank you! The number one question was when the baby is coming. I'm due December 10, but the doctor says that if it goes anything like the last two (Canon was 8lbs 10 oz and ten days early) it will probably be more like the end of November. Cross your fingers for that! The number two question was how I'm feeling. Not good. Let's just leave it at that. Only 6 more months of morning/all day/all night sickness to go! :-)
A lot of questions about Bliss lately- I believe it is going to hit stores the same time the others did, end of August, September-ish. I never know how much to show you, since it isn't available for such a long time. Do you want to see more now, or wait until it is closer?
Anyhow, today my bags are (somewhat) packed, my quilts are bound (a miracle), pattern covers are done (but not the patterns- they still need proofed) and I'm heading to Quilt Market in Minneapolis in the morning. Can't believe it is here again. If you are going to be there, come say hello! If you aren't, come back soon for a Market recap, eh?
See you on the other side!