First things first, the lucky winner to Alli's giveaway is... Kara Peterson. Congratulations! Email me your info and I'll send it on over. Thank you so much Alli!
Okay, now that Thanksgiving is officially over, am I allowed to plaster Christmas all over the blog? Because I've had the tree up, the Christmas music on, and the presents wrapped for weeks now. I am sooo ready for the holidays to be here.
A few nights ago I finally finished up the rest of the stockings. Here were the requests-
Stocking 1- Husband. Only request- "nothing girly." Got it. (Fabric- Bliss and Shangri-la)
Stocking 2- Me. I'm the only girl here, you know, so mine had to be slightly girly. Pinwheels are my favorite, and this was made from the scraps from this quilt, which has special meaning to me. Also, it is made out of Bliss, which is my favorite. I'm allowed say that, right?
Stocking 3- Boy 1. Wanted robots. We compromised and the back is robot fabric. He loves it. (Fabric- 1974, Moda Bella Solid in Aqua, and a robot fabric I can't remember where it came from)
Stocking 4- Boy 2. Saw the new Sherbet Pips fabric on my sewing table and demanded a stocking made from it, "but not the pink parts." I also incorporated 2 blocks that are made from "babies fabric" (which you may or may not remember is what he calls his blanket). He's a happy camper.
Stocking 5- Boy 3. Couldn't care less about his stocking at this point. This one was the most fun to make. Also, it matches pretty much every other thing I've made for him so far. (Fabric- Bliss, some Amy Butler, and some Nicey Jane)
Stocking 6- Dog. Yes, I made a stocking for Max. What happened to me?? I guess I'm one of those people now. You know, the ones who think their dog will feel left out if he doesn't have a stocking. If anyone asks, I'll just tell them the kids made me do it. (I really love my dog.) (Fabric- Sherbet Pips from Moda and Bliss dots)
There you have it. We are officially stocking...ed. Bring on the holidays.
Update: More info and pattern information in this post. :-)