You may have noticed I've been missing for a while. Yeah, sorry about that.
But I have three really good excuses. The first: Ruby is here! Oh, I cannot wait to show you more. I'm in loooove. (Can I say that??) The second: International Quilt Market is less than 3 weeks away. Which means I've been...
Designing, cutting, piecing, quilting, binding, writing, proofing, photographing, cover designing, etc. etc. etc... all with this:
(I love my job)
Oh, and guess what! It just happens to be spring break this week, which means I've had not one, but three little helpers here, all day, every day. So yep, that would be my third reason. Perfect timing, huh? Why do little boys like to wrestle around and bug each other all day long? If I have to say "STOP sitting on your brother!" one more time... It's like a circus.
On the other hand, things really are going swimmingly with Ruby over here. The last two quilts are going out to the quilter tomorrow and then I can breathe a sigh of relief. AND, then I can show you everything.
Seriously can't wait.
See you soon!