I apologize ahead of time. There are a lot of pictures of me in this post. And apparently, I didn't make it out of my booth much. So here are about a hundred pictures of all the friends who came to visit me, with links to blogs where you can go see their amazing stuff because I'm lame and didn't take pictures of it. (Good heavens, I didn't even get a picture with Heather!?)
Quilt Market was in Salt Lake City again this year, and as usual, it was amazing. There are a lot of things I love about this industry, but certainly at the top of that list? The people in it. I love that every spring I get to go see everyone and catch up with them. All the quilts/fabric/amazingness of it all is just a bonus.
So anyhow, here's the booth. The right side is my half, and the left side is my mom's:
Mom's side, with all of her new patterns.
Snickerdoodle (the one with the red border) is my favorite. I'm trying to convince her to let me have it. Wish me luck.
and then...
my side, including my red polka dot chair which I hauled up for the occasion.
I don't know what to do with my arms in pictures like this. Joanna agrees.
I would just like to point out that the table and chairs, my red chair, all the quilts, props, etc plus one 7 year old on his way to see Grandpa and a Sherri fit in my minivan with room to spare.
Thank you Volkswagen Routan. You are growing on me.
Table and chairs from my sewing room (minus the leaf)
Picture of my Grandma Ruby, who the line was named for. More on that later. She was awesome, by the way.
I've never seen tulips with rough edges like this. Thanks Costco!
Catalogs and purple carpet. I'm thinking of changing all the carpet in my house to this color.
Several of my favorite family members were able to attend..
including my cute Grandma (my mom's mom) carrier of the quilting gene, who is responsible for all of this quilting/fabric craziness. Thanks Grandma. Love you!
Next up? The Moda designers, who I am responsible for photographing each spring. It is tricky to get 23 women agree to being in a picture. Even when they are this gorgeous. :-)
Me trying to get back to the camera to adjust a few settings. Lovely, right?
Sarah (SarahJane Sudios) and Sandi (Portabellopixie) a few more of my favorite people.
(Are you sensing a theme here? At this point just assume the favorite.)
Super cute DIY Dish girls, Kim and Kris
Judi (Green Fairy Quilts) who has a really embarrassing picture of me on her blog
Tiny little Vanessa (VandCo)
Sherri (A Quilting Life) who can piece/quilt/bind a quilt in 37 minutes flat.
Super talented Lori Holt (Bee in my Bonnet) and Nanette (Freda's Hive)
The talented Kris from Pretty by Hand who is knee deep in Project Simplify made this darling bag modeled after Sugar Rush from my book. LOVE it. She may or may not be making a Ruby version for me as we speak. :-)
Love it.
A whole bunch of fun girls, Heather (Olive and Ollie) Monica (Happy Zombie) Mo (Lime Gardenias) and Traci (Hip Fabric)
Pam (PamKittyMorning) and Elizabeth (Late Bloomer)
(You already know this girl is my favorite) Lissa (Moda genius)
Who happened to find this mantel for us and paint it green to boot.
Thanks L! You know I heart ya!
The Fat Quarter Shop ladies, Debbie and Kimberly
Andrea, my amazing quilter who quilted Swoon and Jellybean. (Love her!)
Susanne, editor extraordinaire of Stash Books fame
My favorite Material girl, Nadine, who brought me the tiniest pair of gray Toms for the littlest man of the house. I may have cried. I love them so. (Thanks lady!)
The girls of Quiltique, my local shop
Also, one last shout out to my mother, who puts up with me every market, and at least twice a day via phone every day in between. Sure love you mom.
I know, I know, I have a lot of favorite people. The thing about these pictures? This is only about half of them. (There are more photos over in my Flickr stream, if you want to take a look) And to further embarrass myself, here is the booth tour by ModaGene, like last year, minus the baby bump but with additional nervous laughter and forgetting what my quilts are called.
Oh, I almost forgot! Using my super scientific method, the winner of the Ruby box is...
Jessie L who said: what beautiful fabric and quilts!! I was just telling my mom that I wanted to make a string quilt and that I really wanted RUBY! :) PERFECT! It was meant to be ;) Thanks for a FUN giveaway.
Congratulations Jessie! Email me your info and I'll get that box out to you.
One last note, thank you to all of you who came and said hello at Quilt Market, and to all my customers and shop owners. I so appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you for making what I do what it is.