A few days ago this little peanut turned 9 months old.
Don't let that sweet little smile deceive you, this child is a handful!
He climbs the stairs and tries to walk back down them while holding onto the banister.
He can't pass an outlet without trying to stick his fingers in the little holes (don't worry, they are all covered now).
He darts for his brother's room any chance he gets so he can play with the big boys. And their Legos.
He is this close to being able to climb out of the tub.
To say that I have to keep a close eye on this one is an understatement.
He is always, always, always on the go.
But life with him is so, so sweet. And certainly never boring. We adore this kid. All of us. Especially those big brothers he wants to be just like. And his dad. And me. (Especially me)
I love every single thing about this boy, including his big brown eyes, that firey little personality he was born with, and his Kennedy-esque hair.
Even more than last month.
*quilt is Abundance (minus the flowers), fabric is scrappy, bike fabric is by Michael Miller