I don't like to post about ugly things. When I get cranky comments, I ignore them, delete them, etc. When I get mean emails, I deal with them privately. Today I got the following comment, and just couldn't ignore it. It was posted publicly on my blog, so I'm assuming Beth F. won't mind if I share it with you.
"While I can appreciate that you love your kids and want to show them off, this blog that you're running is a business...and when you ignore it or only post occasional pictures of your kids with no content that attracted your readers in the first place, well, count me out. You are off my list of blogs. I have limited time and I just can't afford to waste it when there are so many other bloggers who are devoted to their business. I just wish the mommy-bloggers would acknowledge who they are and not try to run a business from their blogs and vice-versa, that the business bloggers would acknowledge that they are trying to sell some product and make some money, not pretend we're all friends."
Beth, this blog is not my business. This is my personal blog. It is about my life. Sometimes it is about sewing, sometimes it is about Dr. Pepper, sometimes it is about my faith, and yes, sometimes is it about my kids. It started out as my personal blog, and will continue to be my personal blog. The past year of my life has been spent with a darling little boy that is growing too fast, at t-ball and soccer games, helping kids with homework, and trying to do my best to juggle all that and design patterns, fabric, and ship orders. I am sorry if my life isn't as interesting as you would like. You know, you can always skip over posts that don't interest you. (Just a suggestion.)
The people who read my blog and leave me comments are my friends. I count them as such, and hope they feel the same about me. In fact, many of my closest friends in real life started as blog friends. I don't know what I would do without them. I certainly wouldn't be where I am today without their encouragement and support.
I apologize if you don't find my content to your satisfaction, or my life as full of sewing as you would like. It isn't as full of sewing as I would like, either, but these little people more than make up for it.
I am a mother first. Not a business owner, not a designer, not a wannabe photographer. I will always be a mother first. And last. And everywhere in between. The rest of what I do is just icing on the cake.
To those of you who support me in everything I do, for your constant kindness and support, I thank you. Really.
Now if you'll excuse me, I am on my way to the school to pick up my kids. Then I'm going to help them with their homework, feed them dinner, make them practice the violin, take them to soccer practice, put them to bed, and maybe, if I'm lucky, get a little sewing in.
The very best kind of day.