Tomorrow is already going to be a good day. It marks the beginning of the Hopscotch/On a Whim quilt along that Katy, mastermind behind the Swoon-along, came up with. (Happy late birthday Katy!!) The quilters in the group will make Hopscotch,
or On a Whim,
or both!
The group is carrying over from the Swoon-along, and has over 900 members and almost 2000 (!!!) photos of various Swoon blocks and quilts, all of them awesome. (The quilts and the peeps :-) They make me so happy every time I stop by. Really.
If you want to join the On a Hop-along (a name I jokingly/somewhat lamely said while chatting with Katy on Twitter last week after a loooong couple of days with very little sleep) then head on over. If I wasn't 10 days away from moving with a whole house worth of remodling... well then, I'd be hopping along too. They are just so nice over there.
Maybe house iPhone photo update:
New banister going in! (The old was was wobbly. And super carpety. And yellow.)
And pretty new floors!
Some of us are very excited about them.
The boy loves to sweep.
Also I've never been this tired in all my life.
True story.